Weeglo - Codes of Conduct

Last updated: 15/06/2020


Credem ferm în valoarea și importanța unui mediu sigur, în care toți utilizatorii și membrii noștri se simt bineveniți. Ca Weeglo community as a whole, our team and community is made up of a mixture of professionals, working on every aspect of the mission – including connecting people and businesses, newest articles and tips, events or services worldwide.

This code of conduct applies to the entire portal managed by Weeglo team, which the community uses for communication, appointments, or use of services.


We are a community of professionals, and we conduct ourselves professionally. Our purpose is to help those who want to learn tips from a particular industry, to read relevant articles for themselves, to be up to date with the latest events in the industry or in a specific country or region that interests them, as well as for to facilitate the services of existing companies in our platform. Weeglo is available worldwide, so this guideline applies to everyone involved.

Our standards

Weeglo is dedicated to its community and provides a positive experience for everyone, regardless of:

Behaviour Guidelines

Be patient.

This applies to any technical issue that you may encounter, any appointment that you make or cancel or any other communication between you and another user’s response. Be patient, everything will solve.

Be nice and respectful.

Please, be respectful and polite to community members.

Communicate effectively.

In this way, we can avoid misunderstandings. It’s better to ask questions if you something it’s not clear for you. Please avoid, repetitive comments and arguments, trolling or personal attacks. We are a community. We are Weeglo.

Communicate clear, but keep it polite.

Do not insult other members of our community. We advise you not to make discriminatory jokes or words, you are not allowed to post sexual or violent content within our portal.

Support diversity.

Weeglo values community diversity. You need to understand that everyone here has different background, culture and identity. We are welcome to bring up your own experiences and knowledges within our community, but we ask you to be open by learning and listening to different opinions.

You will not engage in any form of harassing, offensive, discriminatory, or threatening speech or behaviour, related to race, gender, gender identity and expression, national origin, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status or other protected category.

Comply with the instructions of the moderator.

We are here to make things safe and easy for everyone. Some of (but not limited to) duties of moderator is to advise you how to use our platform, and to make sure that our codes of conduct are well respected.


We expect all our community users (including Weeglo Team, users, companies, vendors, volunteers and guests) to uphold the principles of this Code of Conduct.

Contact us

If you witness or you believe someone is violating the code of conduct by having, we ask that you report it by e-mail here.