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Learn NFT Skills for Creatives with Artist Sturec

Art | Online event
19:00 - 20:30 UTC +02


Learn how artists like Sturec are using Playform to incorporate AI into their NFT art. Playform was created for artists to explore AI technology, inspire new artistic aesthetics, and produce large bodies of work. Now with the advent of Cryptocurrency and the expansion of the NFT art world, artists and creators are using Playform technology to evolve a new kind of art. Many NFT artists use Playform to generate digital assets to be integrated in their visual works, including 3D, video and more. Seda Turec, also known as Sturec, is a digital animator with a background in engineering and design. Born in Izmir, Turkey, the artist lived and studied in cities including Paris, Istanbul and Bangkok. Her artistic background includes design, technology, engineering, and tattoo design. She has participated in and organized exhibitions and workshops across the world, notably in Paris and Istanbul. Sturec takes a holistic approach to her artwork, both in ideation, practice and medium. Her wide range of experiences across industries and culture has provided her with a unique approach and perspective to digital art. Her technical background often manifests in her artwork, which is often abstract in nature. As a self-proclaimed “math freak,” Sturec’s artwork is heavily influenced by geometry.

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Learn NFT Skills for Creatives with Artist Sturec

Art | Online event
20 aprilie
19:00 - 20:30 UTC +02

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Learn how artists like Sturec are using Playform to incorporate AI into their NFT art. Playform was created for artists to explore AI technology, inspire new artistic aesthetics, and produce large bodies of work. Now with the advent of Cryptocurrency and the expansion of the NFT art world, artists and creators are using Playform technology to evolve a new kind of art. Many NFT artists use Playform to generate digital assets to be integrated in their visual works, including 3D, video and more. Seda Turec, also known as Sturec, is a digital animator with a background in engineering and design. Born in Izmir, Turkey, the artist lived and studied in cities including Paris, Istanbul and Bangkok. Her artistic background includes design, technology, engineering, and tattoo design. She has participated in and organized exhibitions and workshops across the world, notably in Paris and Istanbul. Sturec takes a holistic approach to her artwork, both in ideation, practice and medium. Her wide range of experiences across industries and culture has provided her with a unique approach and perspective to digital art. Her technical background often manifests in her artwork, which is often abstract in nature. As a self-proclaimed “math freak,” Sturec’s artwork is heavily influenced by geometry.


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